Industry Updates

This page catalogs updates from customs authorities from around the world to help organizations keep pace with the changing regulatory import compliance landscape.

WCO 2022 Changes

As we are all aware, the 2022 changes from the WCO will have a big impact on tariff codes around the globe. At this time, we have a full conversion of the correlation at the 6 digit level from 2017 to 2022 as provided by the WCO. Here is the raw...

July 1st Updates

We are aware of the following July 1st updates and should have them done by the 1st.  There will probably be others too! Canada:  No HS Changes, just a few duty rates EU: Usual mid-sized update ( HS + DUTY ) Australia: Small duty changes โ€“ but also...

Tariff updates week of Jan 26th

Tariff updates in progress: KoreaAustralia ( no HS changes, just duty rates )Vietnam  ( FTA rate update )Japan 2021 ( import/export/NACCS version, working in that order )  This needed to be redone.  Should be this week.Jordan ( left over from 2020...

Tariff Update Blog, Jan 18th

Tariff updates in progress: Turkey.  This is taking longer than hoped, TR Customs only published a poorly formatted PDF instead of the data files they often create which has caused a delay in processing.KoreaAustralia ( no HS changes, just duty rates )Vietnam...

Tariff updates week of Jan 11th

Tariff updates in progress: US Rev 2 for 2021 ( Sec 301 updates only )TurkeyThailandKoreaAustralia ( no HS changes, just duty rates )Vietnam  ( FTA rate update )Japan 2021 ( import/export/NACCS version, working in that order )Russian Federation countries.Jordan (...

Tariff/Country Updates for 2021

Tariff/Country Updates for 2021: ISOCountryStatusNoteUSUnited StatespendingTypically we won't see new information until the very last days of DecemberMXMexicopending/in processMX is moving to 10 digits.  The new tariff is published and available.  Effective...

MX2020 Change Information

The change represents a major shift in the tariff of Mexico.  First there will be a shift from the current 2012 nomenclature to the 2017 nomenclature at the 8 digit level. ( in MXโ€™s view, they call this โ€œ2020โ€ ) Secondly, they are also adding 2 digits on top of...

GB HS codes post Brexit

Many of our clients are wondering about the GB HS codes post Brexit.ย  On this matter, we received a communication today from the UK Global Tariff team that confirms that GB will follow the EU tariff up to and into January of 2021.ย  So the correlations provided for the...