FR Alert – Covering:08/31/2018

Todays Federal Register


Agency Notice
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 170 (Friday, August 31, 2018)] [Notices] [Pages 44641-44642] From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [] [FR Doc No: 2018-18920] ======================================================================= ———————————————————————– DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY U.S. Customs and Border Protection Accreditation and Approval of Inspectorate America Corporation (Pasadena, TX), as a Commercial Gauger and Laboratory AGENCY: U.S. Customs and Border Protection, Department of Homeland Security. ACTION: Notice of accreditation and approval of Inspectorate America Corporation (Pasadena, TX), as a commercial gauger and laboratory. ———————————————————————– SUMMARY: Notice is hereby given, pursuant to CBP regulations, that Inspectorate America Corporation (Pasadena, TX), has been approved to gauge petroleum and certain petroleum products and accredited to test petroleum and certain petroleum products for customs purposes for the next three years as of February 7, 2018. DATES: Inspectorate America Corporation (Pasadena, TX) was accredited and approved, as a commercial gauger and laboratory as of February 7, 2018. The next triennial inspection date will be scheduled for February 2021. FOR FURTHER INFORM
[18-18920][Full Article] [PDF]


Agency Notice
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 170 (Friday, August 31, 2018)] [Notices] [Pages 44671-44672] From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [] [FR Doc No: 2018-18886] ======================================================================= ———————————————————————– INTERNATIONAL TRADE COMMISSION [Investigation No. 337-TA-1050] Certain Dental Ceramics, Products Thereof, and Methods of Making the Samel; Notice of Request for Statements on the Public Interest AGENCY: U.S. International Trade Commission. ACTION: Notice. ———————————————————————– SUMMARY: Notice is hereby given that the presiding administrative law judge has issued a Final Initial Determination and Recommended Determination on Remedy and Bonding in the above-captioned investigation. The Commission is soliciting comments on public interest issues raised by the recommended relief, specifically a limited exclusion order and cease and desist orders. This notice is soliciting public interest comments from the public only. Parties are to file public interest submissions pursuant to Commission rules. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Sidney A. Rosenzweig, Esq., Office of the General Counsel, U.S. International Trade Commission, 500 E Street SW, Washington, DC 20436, tele
[18-18886][Full Article] [PDF]
Agency Notice
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 170 (Friday, August 31, 2018)] [Notices] [Pages 44573-44575] From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [] [FR Doc No: 2018-18974] ———————————————————————– DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE International Trade Administration [C-570-083] Certain Steel Wheels From the People’s Republic of China: Preliminary Affirmative Countervailing Duty Determination and Alignment of Final Determination With Final Antidumping Duty Determination AGENCY: Enforcement and Compliance, International Trade Administration, Department of Commerce. SUMMARY: The Department of Commerce (Commerce) preliminarily determines that countervailable subsidies are being provided to producers and exporters of certain steel wheels from the People’s Republic of China (China) for the period of investigation January 1, 2017, through December 31, 2017. We invite interested parties to comment on this preliminary determination. DATES: Applicable August 31, 2018. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Chien-Min Yang or Myrna Lobo, AD/CVD Operations, Office VII, Enforcement and Compliance, International Trade Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce, 1401 Constitution Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20230; telephone: 202-482-5484 or 202-482-2371, respectively. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Backgro
[18-18974][Full Article] [PDF]
Agency Notice
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 170 (Friday, August 31, 2018)] [Notices] [Pages 44567-44570] From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [] [FR Doc No: 2018-18968] ———————————————————————– DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE International Trade Administration [A-570-079] Cast Iron Soil Pipe From the People’s Republic of China: Preliminary Affirmative Determination of Sales at Less Than Fair Value and Postponement of Final Determination AGENCY: Enforcement and Compliance, International Trade Administration, Department of Commerce. SUMMARY: The Department of Commerce (Commerce) preliminarily determines that cast iron soil pipe from the People’s Republic of China (China) was sold to the United States at less than fair value (LTFV) during the period of investigation (POI), July 1, 2017, through December 31, 2017. DATES: Applicable August 31, 2018. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Javier Barrientos, AD/CVD Operations, Office V, Enforcement and Compliance, International Trade Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce, 1401 Constitution Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20230; telephone: (202) 482-2243. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Background This preliminary determination is made in accordance with section 733(b) of the Tariff Act of 1930, as amended (the Act). Commerce published th
[18-18968][Full Article] [PDF]
Agency Notice
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 170 (Friday, August 31, 2018)] [Notices] [Pages 44570-44573] From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [] [FR Doc No: 2018-19094] ———————————————————————– DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE International Trade Administration [A-570-062] Cast Iron Soil Pipe Fittings From the People’s Republic of China: Amended Final Determination of Sales at Less Than Fair Value and Antidumping Duty Order AGENCY: Enforcement and Compliance, International Trade Administration, Department of Commerce. SUMMARY: The Department of Commerce (Commerce) is amending its final determination of sales at less than fair value (LTFV) as a result of ministerial errors. In addition, based on affirmative final determinations by Commerce and the International Trade Commission (the ITC), Commerce is issuing an antidumping duty order on cast iron soil pipe fittings (soil pipe fittings) from the People’s Republic of China (China). DATES: Applicable August 31, 2018. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Sergio Balbontin at (202) 482-4474 or Michael Bowen at (202) 482-0768, AD/CVD Operations, Enforcement and Compliance, U.S. Department of Commerce, 1401 Constitution Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20230. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Background On July 17, 2018, Commerce published its af
[18-19094][Full Article] [PDF]
Agency Notice
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 170 (Friday, August 31, 2018)] [Notices] [Pages 44566-44567] From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [] [FR Doc No: 2018-19095] ———————————————————————– DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE International Trade Administration [C-570-063] Cast Iron Soil Pipe Fittings From the People’s Republic of China: Countervailing Duty Order AGENCY: Enforcement and Compliance, International Trade Administration, Department of Commerce. SUMMARY: Based on affirmative final determinations by the Department of Commerce (Commerce) and the International Trade Commission (ITC), Commerce is issuing a countervailing duty order on cast iron soil pipe fittings (soil pipe fittings) from the People’s Republic of China (China). DATES: Applicable August 31, 2018. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Dennis McClure or Jinny Ahn, AD/CVD Operations, Office VIII, Enforcement and Compliance, International Trade Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce, 1401 Constitution Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20230; telephone (202) 482-5973 or (202) 482- 0339, respectively. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Background On July 11, 2018, Commerce published its final determination in the countervailing duty investigation of soil pipe fittings from China.\1\ On August 22, 2018, the ITC notified
[18-19095][Full Article] [PDF]
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