FR Alert – Covering:09/28/2018

Todays Federal Register


Agency Notice
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 189 (Friday, September 28, 2018)] [Proposed Rules] [Pages 49001-49017] From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [] [FR Doc No: 2018-20869] ======================================================================= ———————————————————————– SMALL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION 13 CFR Parts 103, 120 and 121 RIN 3245-AG74 Express Loan Programs; Affiliation Standards AGENCY: U.S. Small Business Administration. ACTION: Proposed rule. ———————————————————————– SUMMARY: The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA or Agency) is proposing to amend various regulations governing its business loan programs, including the SBA Express and Export Express Loan Programs and the Microloan and Development Company (504) loan programs. DATES: SBA must receive comments to the proposed rule on or before November 27, 2018. ADDRESSES: You may submit comments, identified by RIN: 3245-AG74, by any of the following methods: Federal eRulemaking Portal: Follow the instructions for submitting comments. Mail: Kimberly Chuday or Thomas Heou, Office of Financial Assistance, Office of Capital Access, Small Business Administration, 409 Third Street SW, Washington, DC 20416.
[18-20869][Full Article] [PDF]


Agency Notice
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 189 (Friday, September 28, 2018)] [Notices] [Page 49125] From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [] [FR Doc No: 2018-21095] ———————————————————————– INTERNATIONAL TRADE COMMISSION [Investigation No. 731-TA-344 (Fourth Review)] Tapered Roller Bearings From China Determination On the basis of the record \1\ developed in the subject five-year review, the United States International Trade Commission (“Commission”) determines, pursuant to the Tariff Act of 1930 (“the Act”), that revocation of the antidumping duty order on tapered roller bearings from China would be likely to lead to continuation or recurrence of material injury to an industry in the United States within a reasonably foreseeable time. ————————————————————————— \1\ The record is defined in sec. 207.2(f) of the Commission’s Rules of Practice and Procedure (19 CFR 207.2(f)). ————————————————————————— Background The Commission, pursuant to section 751(c) of the Act (19 U.S.C. 1675(c)), instituted this review on July 3, 2017 (82 FR 30898) and determined on October 6, 2017 that it would conduct a full review (82 FR 48527, October 18, 2017). Notice of the schedu
[18-21095][Full Article] [PDF]
Agency Notice
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 189 (Friday, September 28, 2018)] [Notices] [Pages 49124-49125] From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [] [FR Doc No: 2018-21130] ======================================================================= ———————————————————————– INTERNATIONAL TRADE COMMISSION [Investigation Nos. 701-TA-609 and 731-TA-1421 (Preliminary)] Steel Trailer Wheels From China Determinations On the basis of the record \1\ developed in the subject investigations, the United States International Trade Commission (“Commission”) determines, pursuant to the Tariff Act of 1930 (“the Act”), that there is a reasonable indication that an industry in the United States is materially injured by reason of imports of steel trailer wheels from China that are alleged to be sold in the United States at less than fair value (“LTFV”) and to be subsidized by the government of China.2 3 ————————————————————————— \1\ The record is defined in sec. 207.2(f) of the Commission’s Rules of Practice and Procedure (19 CFR 207.2(f)). \2\ Certain Steel Wheels 12 to 16.5 Inches in Diameter From the People’s Republic of China: Initiation of Countervailing Duty Investigation, 83 FR 45100, September 5, 2018; Certain
[18-21130][Full Article] [PDF]
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