FR Alert – Covering:02/13/2019

Todays Federal Register


Agency Notice
[Notices] [Page 3759] From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [] [FR Doc No: 2019-02176] ———————————————————————– DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE International Trade Administration [C-570-046] 1-Hydroxyethylidene-1,1-Diphoshonic Acid From the People’s Republic of China: Notice of Correction to the Rescission of 2016-2017 Countervailing Duty Administrative Review AGENCY: Enforcement and Compliance, International Trade Administration, Department of Commerce FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Annathea Cook, AD/CVD Operations, Office V, Enforcement and Compliance, International Trade
[19-02176][Full Article] [PDF]
Agency Notice
[Notices] [Pages 3758-3759] From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [] [FR Doc No: 2019-02179] ———————————————————————– DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Foreign-Trade Zones Board [B-03-2019] Foreign-Trade Zone (FTZ) 68–El Paso, Texas; Notification of Proposed Production Activity; The Woodbridge Group (Flame Laminated Textiles) El Paso, Texas The City of El Paso, grantee of FTZ 68, submitted a notification of proposed production activity to the FTZ Board on behalf of The Woodbridge Group (Woodbridge), located in El Paso, Texas. The notification conforming to the requirements of the regulations of the FTZ Board (15 CFR 400.22) was received on February 6, 2019.
[19-02179][Full Article] [PDF]


Agency Notice
SUMMARY: This notice announces an open meeting of the Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technical Advisory Committee (HTAC). The Federal Advisory Committee Act requires notice of the meeting be announced in the Federal Register. DATES: Monday, March 18, 2019; 8:00 a.m.-6:30 p.m. ADDRESSES: National Renewable Energy Laboratory, 901 D Street SW, Suite 930, Washington, DC 20024. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Email: [email protected] or at the mailing address: Shawna McQueen, Designated Federal Officer, U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, 1000 Independence Avenue SW, EE-3F, Washington, DC 20585, Telephone number (202) 586-0833. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Purpose of the Committee: The Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technical Advisory Committee (HTAC) was established under section 807 of the Energy Policy Act of 2005 (EPACT), Public Law 109-58; 119 Stat. 849, to provide advice and recommendations to the Secretary of Energy on the program authorized by Title VIII of EPACT. Tentative Agenda: (updates will be posted on the web at): HTAC Business (including public comment period) 
[19-02184][Full Article] [PDF]


Agency Notice
SUMMARY: This document contains notice of pendency before the Department of Labor (the Department) of a proposed temporary one-year individual exemption from certain of the prohibited transaction restrictions of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA or the Act) and/or the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (the Code). If this proposed exemption is granted, certain entities with specified relationships to UBS will not be precluded from relying on the exemptive relief provided by Prohibited Transaction Class Exemption 84- 14. DATES: If there is a judgment in the French First Instance Court against UBS and/or UBS France and that judgment constitutes a conviction under Section I(g) of PTE 84-14, this exemption will be in effect for one year from the date of that judgment. Written comments and requests for a public hearing on the proposed exemption should be submitted to the Department by February 19, 2019. ADDRESSES: Comments should state the nature of the person’s interest in the proposed exemption and the manner in which the person would be adversely affected by the exemption, if granted. A request for a hearing can be requested by any interested person who may be adversely affected by an exemption. A request for a hearing must state: (1) The name, address, telephone number, and email address of the person making the 
[19-02218][Full Article] [PDF]


Agency Notice
SUMMARY: The Department of State has submitted the information collection described below to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for approval. In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 we are requesting comments on this collection from all interested individuals and organizations. The purpose of this Notice is to allow 30 days for public comment. DATES: Submit comments directly to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) up to March 15, 2019. ADDRESSES: Direct comments to the Department of State Desk Officer in the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs at the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). You may submit comments by the following methods: Email: [email protected]. You must include the DS form number, information collection title, and the OMB control number in the subject line of your message. Fax: 202-395-5806. Attention: Desk Officer for Department of State. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Direct requests for additional information regarding the collection listed in this notice, including requests for copies of the proposed collection instrument and supporting documents, to Andrea Battista, who may be reached on 202- 663-3136 or at [email protected].
[19-02096][Full Article] [PDF]


Agency Notice
SUMMARY: The U.S. Department of Energy (“DOE” or “the Department”) proposes to update and modernize the Department’s current rulemaking methodology titled, “Procedures, Interpretations, and Policies for Consideration of New or Revised Energy Conservation Standards for Consumer Products” (“Process Rule”). In overview, in this document, DOE is proposing to clarify that the Process Rule applies to the establishment of new or revised energy conservation standards and test procedures for both consumer products and commercial/industrial equipment. This proposed rule would make the specified rulemaking procedures binding on DOE, and it would also revise language in certain provisions to make it consistent with the Energy Policy and Conservation Act of 1975 (“EPCA”), as amended, and other applicable law. It also proposes to expand early opportunities for public input on the Appliance Program’s priority setting and rulemaking activities, to define a significant energy savings threshold for updating energy conservation standards, to commit to publishing final test procedures at least 180 days in advance of a standards proposal, and to delineate procedures for rulemaking under the separate direct final rule and negotiated rulemaking authorities, among other issues. DOE may consider additional changes to the Process Rule in a future proceedi
[19-01854][Full Article] [PDF]


Agency Notice
SUMMARY: Notice is hereby given that the U.S. International Trade Commission has determined to extend the target date by six weeks, from February 25, 2019, to April 8, 2019. As set forth below, the Commission also extends the deadlines for filing written submissions and reply submissions on the issues of remedy, the public interest, and bonding. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Houda Morad, Office of the General Counsel, U.S. International Trade Commission, 500 E Street SW, Washington, DC 20436, telephone (202) 708-4716. Copies of non- confidential documents filed in connection with this investigation are or will be available for inspection during official business hours (8:45 a.m. to 5:15 p.m.) in the Office of the Secretary, U.S. International Trade Commission, 500 E Street SW, Washington, DC 20436, telephone (202) 205-2000. General information concerning the Commission may also be obtained by accessing its [[Page 3817]] internet server at The public record for this investigation may be viewed on the Commission’s electronic docket (EDIS) at Hearing-impaired persons are advised that information on this matter can be obtained by contacting the Commission’s TDD terminal on (202) 205-1810. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The Commission instituted this investigation 
[19-02109][Full Article] [PDF]
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