Agency Notice

SUMMARY: This provides the consolidated notice of all agency specific excepted authorities, approved by the Office of Personnel Management (OPM), under Schedule A, B, and C, as of June 30, 2020, as required by Civil Service Rule VI, Exceptions from the Competitive Service. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Julia Alford, Senior Executive Resources Services, Senior Executive Service and Performance Management, Employee Services, 202-606-2246. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Civil Service Rule VI (5 CFR 6.1) requires the U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) to publish notice of exceptions granted under Schedule A, B, and C. Under 5 CFR 213.103(a) it is required that all Schedule A, B, and C appointing authorities available for use by all agencies to be published as regulations in the Federal Register (FR) and the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR). Excepted appointing authorities established solely for use by one specific agency do not meet the standard of general applicability prescribed by the Federal Register Act for regulations published in either the FR or the CFR. Therefore, 5 CFR 213.103(b) requires monthly publication, in the Notices section of the Federal Register, of any Schedule A, B, and C appointing authorities applicable to a single agency. Under 5 CFR 213.103(c) it is required that a consolidated listing of all Schedule A, B,


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Agency Notice

SUMMARY: The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) publishes notice of certain Federal agency requests for records disposition authority (records schedules). We publish notice in the Federal Register and on for records schedules in which agencies propose to dispose of records they no longer need to conduct agency business. We invite public comments on such records schedules. DATES: NARA must receive comments by March 22, 2021. ADDRESSES: You may submit comments by either of the following methods. You must cite the control number, which appears on the records schedule in parentheses after the name of the agency that submitted the schedule. Federal eRulemaking Portal: Mail: Records Appraisal and Agency Assistance (ACR); National Archives and Records Administration; 8601 Adelphi Road; College Park, MD 20740-6001. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Kimberly Keravuori, Regulatory and External Policy Program Manager, by email at [email protected]. For information about records schedules, contact Records Management Operations by email at [email protected], by mail at the address above, or by phone at 301-837-1799.


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Agency Notice

SUMMARY: As a result of these sunset reviews, the Department of Commerce (Commerce) finds that revocation of the antidumping duty orders on carbazole violet pigment 23 (CVP-23) from India and the People’s Republic of China (China) would be likely to lead to continuation or recurrence of dumping at the levels indicated in the “Final Results of Sunset Review” section of this notice. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Margaret Collins (India) or Marc Castillo (China), AD/CVD Operations, Office VI, Enforcement and Compliance, U.S. Department of Commerce, 1401 Constitution Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20230; telephone (202) 482-6250 or (202) 482-0519, respectively. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Background On December 29, 2004, Commerce published the antidumping duty orders on CVP-23 from India and China.\1\ On [[Page 8341]] October 1, 2020, Commerce published the notice of initiation of the third sunset reviews of the Orders, pursuant to section 751(c) of the Tariff Act of 1930 (the Act).\2\ On October 9, 2020, Commerce received


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Agency Notice

SUMMARY: Notice is hereby given that the U.S. International Trade Commission has received a complaint entitled Certain LTE-Compliant Cellular Communication Devices, DN 3531; the Commission is soliciting comments on any public interest issues raised by the complaint or complainant’s filing pursuant to the Commission’s Rules of Practice and Procedure. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Lisa R. Barton, Secretary to the Commission, U.S. International Trade Commission, 500 E Street SW, Washington, DC 20436, telephone (202) 205-2000. The public version of the complaint can be accessed on the Commission’s Electronic Document Information System (EDIS) at For help accessing EDIS, please email [email protected]. General information concerning the Commission may also be obtained by accessing its internet server at United States International Trade Commission (USITC) at The public record for this investigation may be viewed on the Commission’s Electronic Document Information System (EDIS) at Hearing-impaired persons are advised that information on this matter can be obtained by contacting the Commission’s TDD terminal on (202) 205-1810. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The Commission has received a complaint and a submission pursuant to Sec. 210.8(b) of the Commission’s Rules of


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Agency Notice

SUMMARY: Notice is hereby given that a complaint was filed with the U.S. International Trade Commission on December 30, 2020, under section 337 of the Tariff Act of 1930, as amended, on behalf of One World Technologies, Inc. of Anderson, South Carolina, and Techtronic Power Tools Technology Ltd. of the British Virgin Islands. A supplement to the complaint was filed on January 12, 2021. The complaint alleges violations of section 337 based upon the importation into the United States, the sale for importation, and the sale within the United States after importation of certain batteries and products containing same by reason of infringement of the sole claims of U.S. Patent No. D579,868 (“the ‘868 patent”); U.S. Patent No. D580,353 (“the ‘353 patent”); and U.S. Patent No. D593,944 (“the ‘944 patent”). The complaint further alleges that an industry in the United States exists as required by the applicable Federal Statute. The complainants request that the Commission institute an investigation and, after the investigation, issue a general exclusion order, or in the alternative a limited exclusion order, and cease and desist orders. ADDRESSES: The complaint, except for any confidential information contained therein, may be viewed on the Commission’s electronic docket (EDIS) at For help accessing EDIS, please email


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